Tuesday 28 September 2010

sore throat, and in need of a cuddle.

FINALLY. Blogger is working! ^-^
It crashes like.. every day D; Anyway.. today has been awful, aha. Woke up and could barely speak 'cause my throat was killing ): which means I can barely eat either.. which sucks. Everyone was downstairs eating steak and chips and I'm sat here freezing, with my quilt wrapped round me wanting some more jelly. It's all I've ate all day, raspberry jelly and milkshake. nomnom. It's not exactly helping me gain weight, which is my goal :L Me and Mattii are going on a fat diet. We're both unhappy with being so thin so we're just gonna eat and eat and eat and eat until we get very obese. Sounds like a plan. I highly doubt it will work though, I already do enough eating and I still look like a twig ._. yay me. I don't know why so many people want to be thin, it has it's disadvantages. I mean, I'm freezing ALL the time no matter the weather. It's just like SOMEONE COME KEEP ME WARM PLEASE<3 My obese cat, Dusty, will do for now I think. ;3
Well, tomorrow we're in school an hour later, then we're having year photo's done with our friends which I'm dreading 'cause I look like a douche next to everyone else :L but still, they'll be nice to look back on ^^ Better than my year 7 photo anyway, middle parting, ginger, freckles, oh I was a beaut. o_o Well, it's quarter to 10, plans for tonight: Cuddle in my quilt and watch a film, draw some shizz for art coursework, probably stay on msn late as usual, and erm, not sleep. Just because I won't be able to D; silly, silly throat >.< 
I had the best and weirdest dream ever last night. I went to an All Time Low concert with Amy and Jess, everyone started screaming because someone was giving autographs. Amy goes running up to him like 'OMG ABBIE IT'S LOUIS WALSH! :D' When the guy was clearly black. The guy turns out to be Nelson Mandela, so I go upto him and he starts putting stamps all over my t-shirt. So I run home in the rain. Get home, Jess and Amy take a shower, come out crying their eyes out. Mrs.Farby arrives (whale of a teacher at my school) and tells me she has some bad news. I start shouting 'OMFG MY MUMS DEAD ISN'T SHE. SHE'S DEAD.' Turns out the news was that my kitchen was full of wasps and one was stuck in Jess' eye. Then Mum comes in and starts crying and saying sorry because she put a picture of an orange with a smiley face on my wall and didn't think I liked it. Then I jumped out the window and ran back to the concert. 
Right, I honestly think I'm a psychopath. Who dreams stuff like that? and if all dreams have meanings.. WTF. I'm going insane,honestly. I haven't had a dream that makes sense in a while, my mind is just strange. Well anyway, I'm gonna end this post here because I'm blabbering on about nothing, as I do. Plus I'm eating soup and writing this is putting me off. No, I cannot multi task. Well, I'll write tomorrow. When hopefully I'm not all ill. D: Goodnight, love youuuuuuuuu :D 

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